Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Benefits and Costs to U.S. Adoption of IFRS

There are different ways in which lookers tummy present the findings of their look to readers or users of the search information. It is important to follow any the rules of research presentation in order for the research information to be clear to all the people who rely on it. This paper aims at analyzing the term on the be and upbeats of US adoption to the IFRS brass of accountancy by David Albrecht.The aim of this paper is to analyze whether the write has followed the necessary travel and format in presenting the findings on his research, in order to evaluate whether it meets the outside(a) standards for presenting research papers. Summary. According to Albrecht (2008), the author carries out a cost benefit analysis in order to evaluate whether the decision to change from generally accepted accounting principles standards to IFRS, by US firms is feasible. He uses the incremental analysis model to set out to a conclusion on the subject.He finds that the be outweigh t he benefits, considering that the cost of changing the system in monetary terms is over $3 million. These costs arise from the need to train accountants and conversion costs for companies. The benefits amount to $ speed of light billion, from reduced audit fees. He therefore concludes that the accounting system should non be changed. The paper is written for a general audience legal opinion from the absence of corroborated arguments and evidence from secondary and primary characters, required by experts. Organization. The research paper has non been organized into clearly defined separate.It has been written as one long es regulate which is not structured into different split, and this may present problems to readers who are keen to analyze various arguments by the author. A basic research paper should include an abstract, an introduction, the background of the problem, literature review, research methodology and findings, analysis of findings and finally a conclusion and rec ommendation of the issues discussed (Kothari, 2005). However, in analyzing the article, the author gives a very brief introduction in the commencement exercise line. He says that US corporations face dilemmas in deciding whether to adapt to the IFRS system or not.He further explains in the second paragraph that this decision should be guided by incremental analysis. This means that the benefits of adapting to the IFRS system should outweigh the costs of the same decision. Research. The author supports his research using the incremental analysis framework. He further uses quotes from the US Securities and Exchange commission. However, he does not quote the root system of this information, which makes it difficult to determine the authenticity. Since the research does not cite the references, it is difficult to populate the documentation style.It also becomes difficult to know whether the author is paraphrasing quotes from other researchers. Style. The author uses the present tense in writing the article throughout the paper. However, he uses the first person and third person when writing different parts of the paper. The first person tense is used when he gives his own opinion, for instance, in the last sentence of the article he says that is the reason why I oppose switching from GAAP to IFRS. He uses contractions in some parts of the paper, for instance in the eleventh paragraph where the last sentence says Lets say another trillion.The overall grammar used in the article is comparatively poor, due to the use of slang, contractions, and short forms among other grammatical mistakes. For instance, in the 7th paragraph, he says execs instead of executives Conclusion. The paper lacks some aspects of research work, most of which ingest been explained. The author does not also have references to sources which have been used for research. The satiate can also be said to be biased, since the author does not mention the connection between the GAAP standards and collapse of mortgage crisis in firms like Lehman Brothers.GAAP standards and specifically asset valuation was one of the causal factors of its downfall. However, the article is useful as it can serve as a source of doing further research on the subject. In future, the author should ensure that his research confirms to all aspects of research work. References. Albrecht, D. (2008). Benefits and costs of adoption of IFRS. Retrieved on January 26, 2008 from . Kothari, C. R. (2005). Research methodological analysis Techniques & Methods. New York New Age Publishers.

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